Wednesday 25 September 2013

Sculpture Fallen From the Sky by David Breur

Sculpture Fallen From the Sky by David BreurDavid Breuer-Weil was born in London in 1965 and continues to live and work in North London. His work frequently explores ideas of humanity, history and existence. After studying at Central Saint Martin’s School of Art and Clare College, Cambridge University he was awarded a bursary at Sotheby’s where he stayed until 1997 having filled roles in many of the departments. He refers to Sotheby’s as “the greatest art school in the world”, and there is little doubt that the years he spent in direct physical contact with works by the masters of the past enhanced his knowledge of both technique and his own artistic direction
As you all know, we love a good illusion especially when it involves giant sculptures like this! Artist David Breur-Weil is currently showcasing Alien as part of the Beyond Limits exhibition at Chatsworth House in the UK. This massive bronze sculpture looks as if a mysterious figure has fallen from the sky!

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