Sunday 29 September 2013

Amazing Pumpkin Carving Sculptures

Amazing Pumpkin Carving Sculptures  
It's that time of year again! Master sculptor Ray Villafane and his crew at Villafane Studios have just started traveling all over the world again to create their masterful works of art...all on pumpkins! From September 19 to 22nd, they were in Ludwigsburg, Germany to attend the biggest pumpkin festival in all of Europe, called Kürbisausstellung. While there, Ray decided to create a few Messerschmidt-inspired pieces. This time, he carved not onto traditional pumpkins, but onto Hubbard squash. A winter squash, the hubbard ranges in color from dark green to gray to blue with orange flesh underneath. They have a tear-drop shape and are often used as a replacement for pumpkins when cooking.

From September 26 to 29th, Villafane then hopped on over to the Jucker Farm in Zurich, Switzerland, where he spent the last few days carving more hubbards. As he stated about the pieces immediately below, "Meet the Hubbards. Hans and Heinrich Hubbard. I really love working with these Hubbard squash. A refreshing break from the standard pumpkin.
"I had quite a few Americans come by today to see the carvings. One more day in Switzerland before heading back to Hong Kong for a week and then home. Wish I could take the Alps home with me."
Amazing Pumpkin Carving Sculptures  Amazing Pumpkin Carving Sculptures  Amazing Pumpkin Carving Sculptures  
Villafane Studio's website
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